Thursday, July 21, 2016

Shaving tips and products I use to keep my legs (&body) smooth all summer long!!

Pyktor Regular

So since summer is here I figured I'd share with you guys some tips and products I use to keep my legs (and body) smooth! I have extremely sensitive legs to shaving but I don't like waxing them because you need to wait for the hair to grow a certain length and who has time for hairy legs?! Not me! Follow along with these steps to perfectly smooth legs! 

P.S. ~ If I found a link to purchase the products mentioned then I linked it for you! just click the different colored words throughout the blog to go to the page! 

Step 1) EXFOLIATE - I use a light exfoliater cream from European wax center that I purchased for $20, you can purchase this in store only I believe so I attached a picture of the bottle for you guys! 

Before I used that, I would use any sugar scrub or just exfoliating gloves or loofa.
You want to exfoliate your skin before you shave because it will take off the layer of skin and reveal more hair for you to be able to take off aka a closer shave aka longer lasting shave!

Step 2) SHAVING CREAM - now, I've tried almost every shaving cream and every conditioner etc to shave and the only one that works wonders is the new EOS shaving cream. IT. IS. EVERYTHING. It's a cross between a lotion and a shaving cream, smells amazing, and keeps your legs feeling so soft !

Step 3) RAZOR AND SHAVING - the razor you use is extremely important as well. I used to use women's razors but then realized guys razors are so much better! I use the Schick hydro 5 razor for men and I found it to be the best I have tried!

Step 4) RINSE - rinse your body or legs off with Parabon free wash (ex. St Ives) to help prevent ingrown hairs

Step 5) LOTION - NIVEA in shower body lotion is the best thing ever made and helps so much after shaving in my option. I also use a lotion without perfumes in it as well after my shower to really lock in the moisture.

And your done! This is how I have finally kept my legs super smooth and looking amazing all summer long! Like I said my legs are super sensitive so if you have sensitive skin these products are worth trying for sure!

I hope you enjoyed my holy grail tips and products please let me know in the comments if you try this out and how you liked it! Also comment down below with any questions or suggestions for future blogs !

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Pyktor Regular